Monday, March 5, 2018

Mundane Morning ~ Light, Bright Mood

Good Mundane Morning Crafties!  It's that time again.. Monday morning, when we take a few minutes to settle ourselves and just slow down for a while.  So grab your morning coffee and let the worries of the day wait.  Those will command attention as we progress through the day.  They can't have our coffee time, lol.  I think setting aside a little bit of time to regroup is very important for mental health and stress management.  The stresses of life can really get the best of you if you let them.  Don't let them!  This is our time. 

As we get closer to the beginning of Spring, I'm starting to feel my mood improving and I have a little more energy.  I have even found that I'm beginning to prefer light, bright colors in everything from craft projects, to home decor, to the clothes I wear.  I think the "Winter Blues" are starting to lose their grasp, and for me the Winter Blues are very real indeed.  I've always been the kind of person whose mood is determined by their environment and when my environment is cold weather, gray skies, and landscapes of dead and dormant trees, my mood can get a little gloomy.  But sunshine, bright blue skies, blooming flowers, and songbirds make me SO happy!  It's this time of year when my morning coffee time starts to take place on my East-facing front porch while the birds sing to me and the morning sun beams in.  The mornings are a little cold yet, but it's coming!  I can't wait! 

Have I gotten off track?  I'm supposed to be talking about Craftie things!  Believe it or not, all this is what sets my creative tone.  When my mood and energy are low, so is my creativity.  The groundhog said there wouldn't be an early Spring but i sure think he was wrong!  And I'm so glad he was.  I have flowers blooming in my yard already and all I can think about are Easter crafts and Mother's Day crafts!  So, we've had a tiny glimpse of Easter crafts so far with my Bunny Bead Charm.  I hope you guys liked it.  I have more Springy crafts coming and I'm so excited about them!  So be on the lookout for projects involving flowers, bunnies, and bright cheery colors.  I've got a couple coming this weekend for you that I think are precious.  

If you guys have any Spring requests, I'd love to hear them.  You guys have some of the BEST ideas!  But try to get them to me quickly.  My goal is to get all March and April related videos up by the end of March.  In April I want to start posting Mother's Day and Spring gathering crafts.  I try to get videos up in the month prior to the month of the event or holiday to which they are relevant.  However, it doesn't always work out that way.  If I get a new idea within the month that it applies to, I still try to hurry up and get it out there for you. 

Thanks for spending your morning with me.  Be sure to check back for new videos this weekend and I'll meet you back here next Mundane Morning.  Until then friends, stay Craftie. 


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