Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Easy 3-D Butterfly Card

These Easy 3-D Card Toppers from European Papercrafts are so much fun to work with!  This beautiful pink and black butterfly caught my eye from the start.  I knew I wanted to make my first Spring card with it.  It's probably a little early to be making Mother's Day cards, but when inspiration strikes you go with it.  Am I right?  

I started with a white A2 size card base (4 1/4" x 5 1/2") and layered on the following:
  • Pink floral print paper (4 1/4" x 5 1/2")
  • Black card stock (4" x 5 1/4")
  • Embossed white card stock (3 3/4" x 5")
  • Inside ~ White card stock with pink inked edges (4" x 5 1/4")
Watch my YouTube tutorial here:

Check out European Papercrafts for their gorgeous products:  www.3dcardmaking.com 

Other products used:

Monday, February 26, 2018

Mundane Morning ~ Anniversary Craft Haul

Good Mundane Morning Crafties! 😄  I hope that you all had a wonderful weekend.  Now it's time to grab that big hot cup of coffee, relax, and spend a few minutes connecting and catching up.  Again, I'm behind on posting videos.  I had a European Papercrafts Design Team video for you but I didn't get it edited in time to post.  I had forgotten my anniversary was coming up. 😞  I will still get that video up for you, hopefully by tomorrow morning.  I apologize for the delay.  I have been sooo busy this year getting new things in place for you guys.  If you saw my "Mundane Morning ~ What's New for 2018" post last week, then you know what some of those are.  I'm so excited about moving forward with these things!   

I did take some time off, but I couldn't putting crafting aside altogether, lol.  Over the weekend, my husband and I celebrated our upcoming 25th wedding anniversary.  We took a little trip out of town for dinner and some shopping...  shopping at the craft store that is! 😆  Yes!  After 25 years of marriage, my husband knows that I would rather have craft supplies than anything.  I'm sure fancy restaurants and lavish hotels are fine... but that's just not our speed.  We went to our favorite BBQ place, and I tried catfish for the first time.  Wow!  I LOVE catfish! 😋  I just couldn't believe that I wasted 43 years of life, never having tried catfish.  Then he took me shopping at JoAnn and Dollar Tree!  Yay!  I got some UnBeLieVabLe deals!!!  Sales + Coupons = Happy Craftie! 😏  So, expect a haul video coming up this weekend. 😏  

Also, by the time the weekend rolls around we'll be into the month of March.  That means I'll be posting Easter crafts!  I'm really excited about those!  I've got some that I think you guys are really gonna like.  Throughout the month of March I'll have some really cute jewelry projects as well as some really fun card making projects.  There mayyyy be some napkin folding.  I'm not really e sure about that one yet.  We'll see what happens.  As the thought process progresses, I'll let you guys know what to expect.  

I've also been thinking about doing some blog exclusive giveaways.  Let me know what you think about that.  Also, what would you like for me to offer in the giveaways?  I'm open to ideas so be sure to leave me a comment with your suggestions.  

Thank you for spending a wonderfully mundane Monday morning with me.  In my book, mundane is NOT a negative word!  I find it very relaxing.  I enjoy this time to slow down all the hustle & bustle and just connect.  

Until next time, stay Craftie! 😉


Friday, February 23, 2018

Double Die Cutting

*As an Affiliate Partner with Amazon, eBay, and Rakuten, I earn from qualifying purchases.*

Double die cutting is a great way to get more out of your dies.  You can take a simple circle and, with double die cutting, create many shapes such as a moon or a leaf.  Depending on the size, the moon shape could be used as a smile or squinted eyes.  Turn the leaf shape sideways and you can use this as an eye shape.  With a simple square, as I show you in my video, by sliding your die straight down the square piece from your first cut, making it shorter in one direction creating a triangle.  Another idea that I did not mention in the video is to slide your square die diagonally on your original square piece.  This will shorten in both directions to simply get a smaller square.  My favorite trick with the square die is to rotate your die 45 degrees on your original square cut and you can create an octagon.  Another common die shape is the gift tag.  Using the double die cutting technique, you can slide your die upward along your original tag shape to create a shorter tag.  This way you're not bound to the standard dimensions of your die.  And BONUS!..  The part you cut off in this process gives you an extra square or rectangle piece.  These make great sentiment strips for cards.

Another form of double die cutting involves not cutting twice with the same die, but cutting with two dies at once.  You can use nesting dies, one inside the other, to create a die cut frame.  These are great for shaker cards or even just to frame out another element on your card.  Again, you get a bonus piece.  The solid piece from the center, in this case an oval, can be used as a separate embellishment.  

I love double die cutting!  It's like "Punch Art" on a larger scale.  I plan to make some videos for punch art too.  So be on the lookout for those in the near future. 😉  

If you guys come up with new double die cutting shapes, I'd love to see them in our Facebook group.  If you're not a member, I encourage you to join us at www.facebook.com/groups/craftieminds.  

Watch my Double Die Cutting video here:

Get your Cuttlebug die cutting machine here:

Also, don't forget that the "C" Plate (for cutting) does not come with it.  Get one here:

Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Blueberry Earrings

I just LOVE creating food themed jewelry!  These blueberry earrings are my newest addition to my collection of fruit jewelry.  I have created many fruits including (but not limited to) a Strawberry Bead Charm, Pear Bead Charm, Beaded Cherries, etc.  I've done other foods such as a Hamburger Bead Charm, S'more Bead Charm, Cupcake Bead Charm, even a Turkey Leg Bead Charm for Thanksgiving!... The list goes on and on.  They all have one thing in common:  They use simple bead shapes to create the intended item.  These earrings are no exception.  I simply used dark blue pearls to represent the blueberries themselves.  

What really transforms a simple pearl into a blueberry is the "blossom" end.  These are also common, easy to find elements.  I simply used a light blue cupped flower sequin, backed with a light green cupped flower sequin.  This created that iconic blueberry shape.  In my video, I demonstrate how simply putting these shapes together can create a blueberry.  But you could certainly take this up a notch by creating dangling clusters of blueberries, leaf beads, and flower beads.  

Watch my Blueberry Earrings YouTube video:

Got any other ideas of what you would like to see me create with beads?  I'd love to hear your suggestions!  Comment here on the blog OR find me on social media to keep in touch and stay up-to-date on all the Craftie goings on:

YouTube:  www.youtube.com/craftiecraftie  
Facebook: www.facebook.com/craftiecraftie 
FB Group: www.facebook.com/groups/craftieminds 
Pinterest: www.pinterest.com/craftiecraftie
Instagram: www.instagram.com/craftiecraftie 

Monday, February 19, 2018

Mundane Morning ~ What's New for 2018

Good Mundane Morning Crafties!! 🤗  
Oh... It's been a long time since I've said that!  We've got lots to talk about so grab a big hot cup of coffee and let's spend a few minutes catching up.  Lately, I haven't been putting out as many videos as usual but I've been working very hard behind the scenes putting some new things in place.  I will be cranking out more videos very soon, I promise!  I'm so excited to tell you guys about what's new for 2018!  Some you may already know about and some you may not.  
Here's what's up:

My blog domain no longer has ".blogspot" in the name.  I have purchased a custom domain for my blog and the address is simply www.craftiekaleidoscope.com  This was mainly just for technical purposes but I really like it.  It seems so much more concise, streamlined, and just easier to remember.  This shouldn't be a problem for you guys though.  While you're adjusting to the change, if you type in www.craftiekaleidoscope.blogspot.com you will be redirected to the new address.  I hope to be able to put more time into my blog.  I may incorporate more blog-exclusive content, in addition to my Mundane Morning posts.  I think that will help me to focus more of my energy here.  

Most of you know this one by now.  I began 2018 as a new design team member for European Papercrafts. I'm so excited to be a part of this team!  European Papercrafts is a paper craft supply company based in California offering card making supplies rarely found in the US, especially from Holland, Germany and the UK. You'll be seeing lots of their supplies in my upcoming videos. They have some of the most gorgeous products!  I'm sure you guys will love them as much as I do.  Please go over and check out their website: www.3dcardmaking.com and be sure to enter the coupon code: CRAFTIE at checkout for an extra 10% OFF! 

Oh!  Lotsss to mention here!  "Healthie" is my new second home, lol.  I have the FULL ARRAY of social media sites as well as an email address for Healthie all set up and ready to go!  I will include all the links below.  I cannot wait to get started with this!!  I decided to create a new Healthie YouTube channel as an avenue to make videos that relate to health, healthy recipes, natural home remedies, beauty treatments and other solutions using natural ingredients.  I have some health issues that I approach with natural remedies and I just truly love natural solutions.  No side effects, just naturally wonderful results.  You can read all about it on my Self Healthie blog.  I haven't posted any videos to the YouTube channel yet but I'm looking forward to this new addition.  I decided to create this as a separate channel so as not to bombard the Crafties with health videos, who may only want to see crafts.  Likewise, Some people interested in the Healthie videos may not take an interest in crafts.  This way you can subscribe to only the one you want to see without being flooded with notifications for the ones you don't care about.  Go ahead and subscribe so you won't miss anything when I start putting up videos.  As some of you may know, I've already been using the Facebook group Healthie Minds & Bodies.  This is a wonderful place to share ideas, recipes, remedies, or articles that address health concerns.  I will also share my videos to the group and the other social media sites when I post them.  Be sure to follow along:

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZbmUbnpfDLn9_8cGXMb2mQ  
Facebook: www.facebook.com/healthiehealthie 
FB Group: www.facebook.com/groups/healthiemindsandbodies 
Pinterest: www.pinterest.com/healthiehealthie  
Instagram: www.instagram.com/healthiehealthie 
Blog: www.selfhealthie.com  
Email: contacthealthie@gmail.com 

Next week I'll be talking more about what you can expect to see in upcoming Craftie videos.  To be sure you don't miss it add your email address to the "Follow by Email" section here on the blog and click SUBMIT.  You can find it at the top of the side bar on the right side of the screen.  Thanks for spending another Mundane Morning with me!  Until next time friends, stay Craftie!   ~🦋

Tuesday, February 13, 2018

European Papercrafts Unboxing Spring 2018

I'm so excited about all the gorgeous crafting supplies in my Spring 2018 Design Team Packet from European Papercrafts!  I just love them!  You can find all this and more online at 3dcardmaking.com.  Use coupon code CRAFTIE at checkout for 10% off!  Happy shopping and happy crafting!

Watch my unboxing video here:

Monday, February 12, 2018

Perfume Bottle Bead Charms

These perfume bottles were so easy to put together and they are great for Valentine's Day.  You can use whatever shapes and sizes of beads that you choose to make your perfume bottle simple or ornate, even add a teardrop dangle for an atomizer bulb on the side.  Explore other bead shapes to recreate the bottle of your favorite perfume.  You can even create a men's cologne bottle, which I also have an example of.  As with all my bead charms, you can use this as any piece of jewelry that you want by attaching your choice of pendant bail, lobster clasp, ear wires, etc..  And if you don't want to use them as jewelry, they are great as dollhouse miniatures too.  Get Craftie and see what you can come up with.  I can't wait to see what you create.  A great place to share your creations or recreations is in our Facebook group: www.facebook.com/groups/craftieminds  If you haven't yet joined, we'd love to have you!

Watch my YouTube tutorial here:

Friday, February 2, 2018

Paper Scraps Bookmark

I couldn't stand to see this beautiful scrap piece go to waste.  So I decided to create a bookmark.  All I used was scrap paper, scrap snack cake packaging, and a couple scraps of ribbon.  What a great way to turn scraps into something beautiful and useful!  Grab a glue stick and your scrap stash and see what you can create! :-D

Watch my YouTube tutorial here:

Visit European Papercrafts for the beautiful paper I used: