Thursday, June 8, 2017

Craftie Kaleidoscope - How I chose my blog name and logo

Welcome to my blog!  Please be patient with me, I’m still learning.  I’m new to blogging but I’ve loved crafting all my life, so I wanted to create this blog where I could share craft projects with other craft lovers.  I'm a homemaker, hobby crafter, and DIYer.  I love ALL things craft related. I love to try new crafts and I'll share with y'all whatever craft I'm trying next. Sometimes I might know what I'm doing and sometimes I might be trying it for the first time with you.  Either way, we’ll have fun!

So, I thought I’d tell you all about how I came up with the name and logo for my blog.  It was not random by any means.  Everything about what you see in my “Craftie” logo tells the story of my crafty journey…  First of all, the name “Craftie” is just generalized to all crafts because when I decided to do a crafting YouTube channel, I didn’t want to restrict myself to just one aspect of crafting.  I love ALL crafts and so I wanted to be able to share ALL types of crafts with all of you. 

I chose a butterfly as my logo because the life cycle of my crafting life has been similar to the life cycle of a butterfly.  I have loved crafts since as far back as I can remember, so I was born a crafty “caterpillar” by nature in that I had the potential, the love, the interest, and I played with crafty projects whenever I got the chance.  Then I felt like I had a time of dormancy, several years ago, when I was kind of in a “Craftie cocoon” for a few years.   All the while, I didn’t really realize that there was a transformation taking place, until I came out of my cocoon, just a few years ago, with a greater love of crafts, and more inspiration, and more ideas than ever before in my entire life.  I’ve been fluttering from one craft to another ever since.  :-D

The reason I chose this particular butterfly is... not only does it represent that butterfly life cycle, but the colorful colors, to me, represent creativity.  Also, the swirls and “freeform” designs in the butterfly AND in the background make me think of creative freedom. So, I had to incorporate the free-flowing swirl design for that reason.

So, for the blog…. Why Craftie “KALEIDOSCOPE”?  Well, There’s meaning behind that too, even beyond the wonderful alliteration sound that it has to it.  A kaleidoscope is not simply a colorful looking glass toy.  That word has so much more meaning, which connected to my Craftie life cycle on so many levels!  Merriam-Webster defines kaleidoscope as (other than the toy we all know and love) “a succession of changing phases or actions”, which takes us back to the butterfly life cycle.  It also defines kaleidoscope as “a diverse collection”, which describes my broad spectrum of crafts, as well as the diverse collection of crafters, that being all of us!  Then, to top it all off… a kaleidoscope is... (wait for it..)  ...the collective name for a group of BUTTERFLIES! :-D Just like a group of fish is called a school, a group of wolves are a pack, so a group of butterflies are a kaleidoscope!  That totally topped it off! So, Craftie Kaleidoscope it is then!  After all that, what else could it be?? Really?!

So, I invite you all to join the kaleidoscope!  Flutter along with me on my Craftie journey. Let’s craft and learn and have fun! 

You can also check out my YouTube video blog introduction here: 

You can also connect with me on my other social media sites:

And you can email me @:

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